Fuites chez Scottrade, 4.6 millions de clients concernés

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Fuites chez Scottrade, 4.6 millions de clients concernés

par ѠOOT »

For Our Clients,

We appreciate and value the trust you place in us. We are very sorry that this happened and for any uncertainty or inconvenience this has caused. We know that incidents like these are frustrating and we want to keep you informed about what our forensic investigation has revealed.

If your information was contained in the affected database, you will receive a letter or email from Scottrade with additional information and resources. We have secured the known intrusion point and conducted an internal data forensics investigation on this incident with assistance from a leading computer security firm. We have taken appropriate steps to further strengthen our network defenses.

Current information indicates that the cybercriminals had unauthorized access to our network for a period of several months between late 2013 and early 2014. If you had an account previous to February 2014, your information may have been accessed through this incident. We are directly notifying everyone whose information was contained in the affected database so they are aware of what happened.

Statement : https://about.scottrade.com/updates/cybersecurity.html
Jon Fingas a écrit :Still, the revelation isn't exactly confidence-inspiring. It suggests that the company's security measures weren't thorough enough to even detect the hacking attempt, let alone stop it, and that millions of customers were unaware of the danger until the feds stepped in.

http://www.engadget.com/2015/10/03/scot ... ta-breach/
Brian Krebs a écrit :Welcome to Day 2 of Cybersecurity (Breach) Awareness Month !
http://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/10/scot ... customers/
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