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Les menaces imaginaires qui peuvent être détectés :
Les messages :Win32/Ciucio
Win32/Ciucio is a family of trojans that connect to certain websites in order to download arbitrary files.
PWS:Win32/Chedap.A is a password stealer that targets SSH user accounts.
This threat is classified as a backdoor trojan. A backdoor trojan provides remote, usually surreptitious, access to affected systems.
This is a malicious program that is unable to spread of its own accord. It may perform a number of actions of an attacker's choice on an affected computer.
Win32/Zafi is a family of mass-mailing worms. The worm sends itself to e-mail addresses that it finds on the infected computer.
This threat is classified as a trojan that steals data. A data theft trojan gathers personal data, often of a financial nature, from affected systems.
This threat is classified as a worm that spreads over the network. A pure network worm propagates without any user interaction.
Virus:Win32/Quervar is a virus that infects specific Microsoft Office document files and executable files.
Win32/Malword is a detection used to identify maliciously formed Word documents that contain code that attempts to exploit a vulnerability in Wordpad.
Worm:Win32/Mabezat.A is a worm that attempts to spread by copying itself to newly attached media devices, such as USB drives or USB media cards.
Worm:Win32/Hary.A is a worm that poses as a copy of J K Rowling's book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". The worm spreads between USB drives.
This threat is classified as a password-stealing troian. This trojan installs a keystroke logger which records keystrokes and sends it to remote attackers.
This is a trojan that is contained within websites that are malicious. It may redirect your browser to a website other than the one you expect.
Win32/Dorkbot.A is a worm that spreads via instant messaging and removable drives. Also it allows control of the affected computer.
Win32/Ramnit is a trojan that allows limited remote access and control to an affected computer.
BrowserModifier:Win32/Zwangi is a program that runs as a service in the background and modifies Internet browser search functionality.
Win32/Ifnapod.X contains malicious software which it drops and installs on the affected system. Also it allows remote access to infected systems.
Win32/Sinowal is a family of password-stealing and backdoor programs. It may capture banking credentials and send the data to the attacker.
Win32/Tracur is a malware that redirects Internet search queries to a malicious URL and allows backdoor access and control.
Win32/Nitol.A is a malware that performs DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks against a target system, which is usually a website.
Win32/OpenCandy is an adware program that may be bundled with certain third-party software installation programs.
Win32/Pramro.F is a trojan that creates a proxy on an infected computer. Proxy servers may be used by attackers to hide the origin of malicious activity.
JS/Seedabutor.B is a JavaScript trojan that attempts to redirect your browser to another website.
Win32/Sality.AT is a detection for a virus that spreads by infecting Windows executable files and by copying itself to removable and remote drives.
Win32/Conficker.X is a worm that infects other computers across a network by exploiting a vulnerability in the Windows Server service (SVCHOST.EXE).
JS/Medfos.B is a malicious JavaScript file that redirects search queries when using websites such as AOL, Ask, Bing, Google and Yahoo.
PriceGong is an adware program that displays certain deals related to search terms you enter in any webpage's search field.
Win32/Pameseg.XX is the detection for a fake installer that asks users to send SMS messages to a premium number.
Win32/Kelihos is a trojan family that distributes spam email messages. The spam messages could contain hyperlinks to installers of Win32/Kelihos malware.
Win32/Zbot, also called Zeus, is a Trojan horse that attempts to steal confidential information from the compromised computer.