Backdoor.Win32.IRCBot.aof (

Informations sur les arnaques et Virus sur MSN.
Messages : 117010
Inscription : 10 sept. 2005 13:57

Backdoor.Win32.IRCBot.aof (

par Malekal_morte »

Nouvelle variante.

se propage via les messages suivants :
This picture isnt you... right?
newest pics for ya :)
hey did i ever show you this picture of me?
is it ok if I add this pic to my new slideshow?
can i up some of these pics of ya to my myspace profile?
Wow i think i found your pic on myspace!
hah I think I found an old pic of us!
haha lets hope your parents dont see this picture of you :D
you care if i put this pictuer of you in my new album?
OMFG!!!!!!!! :D
wow! look at this old picture i found
sorry about the messup i fixed the pic! Try it one more time pz
is this pic tooo sexy for photobucket??
wow I just dyed my hair... You will never believe the color it is now. lol And dont laugh
my crazy sister wants u to see these pics for some reason... take a look
Can i put this pic of you into my new myspace album?
Take a look at the new pics already! :p
I cant believe they wanted me to upload this picture to facebook lol. Its terrible. Like my outfit tho?
Lmfao hey im sending my new pictures! Check em out!
I've been editing some pics you should def see em lol!
dude i just got these pictures off my digital for you! Gimme a moment to find em and send
Wanna see my pics before i send em to facebook?
do you think this picture is too kinky for Myspace?
Hey accept my pictures, i got a bunch from when i was like a toddler :X
I think this picture is terrible. but my friends on myspace want to see it. please dont show noone.
Hey just finished new myspace album! :) theres a few kinky ones in there!
OMG, i found ur pic on! Check it out
hey you got a myspace album? anyways heres my new myspace album :) accept k?
do I look dumb in this picture? I want to put it on myspace.
hey man accept my pics. :( i just edited it to look maad funny..
Dude i found your picture on! Take a look!
Ajoute la ligne suivante sur HijackThis :
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Logical Disk Detection] mdesvc.exe
Ajoute les fichiers suivants :
%windir%\ où X sont des chiffres
Première règle élémentaire de sécurité : on réfléchit puis on clic et pas l'inverse - Les fichiers/programmes c'est comme les bonbons, quand ça vient d'un inconnu, on n'accepte pas !
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